Robert Agee (1945-January 10, 2021)

Bob brought to Academics without Borders USA (AWB USA) extensive budget and finance experience (20 years with the California Department of Education; 15 years with UC Davis). He was one of the founding members of AWB USA and served as a past vice president and president of the organization. Bob’s passions aligned well with the AWB USA mission and he was selfless in giving of his time, leadership, and personal resources. He was the driving force behind, and in front of, the organization well over 5 years, until he stepped down to more fully enjoy his family and retirement.
Larry N. Vanderhoef (March 24, 1941-October 15, 2015)

Larry N. Vanderhoef was chancellor emeritus and distinguished professor emeritus at the University of California, Davis. A plant biologist turned college administrator, he led UC Davis for 25 years—first as provost/executive vice chancellor (1984-1994) and then as chancellor (1994-2009). Under his leadership, the campus grew by nearly every measure, including raising the visibility of the campus as a leader on the global stage. As chancellor emeritus, through his early advocacy for Academics without Borders USA (2014-2015), he was instrumental in bringing other campus leaders and faculty to participate in the organization.